The V–A–C Foundation’s publishing programme works along two complementary directions. We ensure that key international works reach Russian-speaking audiences in a timely fashion; we also provide support to Russia’s emerging cultural figures, making their activities visible both in Russia and internationally.
We publish specialised and popular literature on the theory and history of contemporary art, classical arts history, post-humanist, gender and anti-colonial studies, art and exhibition projects, as well as children's books.
The Foundation’s publishing programme is aimed at a broad audience. We strive to reach readers of different age groups who have a wide range of interests.
The V–A–C Foundation’s publishing programme works along two complementary directions. We ensure that key international works reach Russian-speaking audiences in a timely fashion; we also provide support to Russia’s emerging cultural figures, making their activities visible both in Russia and internationally.
We publish specialised and popular literature on the theory and history of contemporary art, classical arts history, post-humanist, gender and anti-colonial studies, art and exhibition projects, as well as children's books.
The Foundation’s publishing programme is aimed at a broad audience. We strive to reach readers of different age groups who have a wide range of interests.
Square and Space. From Malevich to GES-2
Researching the Deaf Community: 1. Almanac
Hans Christian Andersen. Thumbelina. Second Edition
Colin Hill. Martin Margiela: A Lexicon of Style
Bertolt Brecht. On Realism (18+)
V–A–C Sreda 1: Beyond
Evgeny Antufiev, Liubov Nalogina. Death
Daniel Arasse. Stories about Paintings
Boris Arvatov. Collected Works in Four Volumes
House and Garden. Catalogue
Viktor Dragunskiy. The Adventures of Dennis
Ghosts from All Sides.
Extraordinary Russian fantastic prose of the nineteenth centuryMikhail Tolmachev. White Sea Colours (18+)
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. Can the Subaltern Speak?
Nikolay Chernyshevsky. The Aesthetic Relation of Art to Reality
Simon Reynolds. Energy Flash (18+)
Marie-José Mondzain. Image, Icon, Economy: The Byzantine Origins of the Contemporary Imaginary
Svetlana Alpers. The Art of Describing: Dutch Art in the Seventeenth Century
Alexandra Kollontai. I Want to Be Free (18+)