Game exploration cards
Game cards that will help you talk about art — and not just art! — as well as to dream and have fun!

Designer Alexei Ivanovsky and illustrator Tim Yarzhombek have created a set of "game research cards" about the
Families with children can pick up the cards at the
Alexei Ivanovsky
Designer, art director and creator of an app for the development of W1D1 creative skills. During the last few years he has been inventing ways to turn artistic practices into daily rituals.
Timofei Yarzhombek
Artist and illustrator. Curator at the HSE School of Design, member of the Bang Bang! agency. For almost 20 years he has been illustrating books, periodicals and much more. Father of three children.
Evgeniya Stratiychuk
Psychologist and former Montessori teacher, presenter of the Not Me teenage book club in the Litmuseum, and an employee of the Volunteers to Help Orphans foundation.
I borrowed my main technique from Viktor Shklovsky — “ostranenie”, the ability to make something strange again. We come up with formats in which the ordinary is seen from a new angle and dazzles anew. This removes the familiar from it, and we again feel how much exquisite, subtle and quiet happiness and beauty there is in the world.
Water for the public programme participants is provided by Edis