Taus Makhacheva.

Taus Makhacheva’s documentary project with texts on the interplay between the histories of art and the narratives that structure one’s identity.

Taus Makhacheva is a Russian artist, a graduate of Goldsmiths College and the Royal College of Art in the United Kingdom and the Moscow Institute of Contemporary Art. She participated in the 57th Venice Biennale of Contemporary Art, the 11th Shanghai Biennale, the 7th Liverpool Biennale, in the Museum ON/OFF project at the Georges Pompidou Centre. Solo exhibitions of her work have been held in London, Istanbul, Leipzig, Moscow, Makhachkala and other locations.

Tightrope, the project of the contemporary artist Taus Makhacheva includes the film Tightrope and the series of performances On the Benefits of Pyramids in Cultural Education, Strengthening of National Consciousness, and the Formation of Moral and Ethical Guideposts. This narrative is built around a dialogue between Makhacheva and the protagonist of her film, Rasul Abakarov who comes from a dynasty of Dagestani tightrope walkers.

In the second part of the book there are contributions by curator Bart De Baere, the professor of philosophy Madina Tlostanova and archivist Sabih Ahmed. To illustrate the volume there are black and white photographs from the Abakharov family archive and colour reproductions of works from the collections of Dagestan’s Museum of Fine Arts.

Photo by Sofia Akhmetova
