The False Calculations Presidium

Young artists reflect on capitalism, creative autonomy and the alternative economy.

The book was published as part of the eponymous exhibition project which V–A–C Foundation organized at the Museum of Business and Philanthropy in 2012. 

“The False Calculations Presidium” questions the nature and the role of the market economy in our lives and is an attempt to record the reaction of artists to global economic processes which also occur in contemporary art which has turned into an experimental platform for free enterprise.

In the catalogue of “The False Calculations Presidium” as well as information about the participants and their work, texts by Anastasia Ryabova, Adam Leeds, Nicolas Audureau, Maria Chehonadskih and Nikolay Ridnyi.

Perhaps the time has come to practice art economically (in the ancient Greek sense of the term, meaning "organization of the dwelling") and ecologically (also in the Greek sense - "language of the dwelling"). Perhaps the time has come to burn the values of art again. For art without values!
