David Joselit.
After Art

A compelling and original theory of how art and architecture function in the age of global networks.

David Joselit is a critic and art historian, a Professor of Yale University, an editor of the October journal. An author of texts of contemporary art, media theory and issues of visual culture.

“After Art” describes the transformation of art and architecture in the conditions of the growth of digital technology and the rapid acceleration of cultural exchange, when artists and architects start working as animated search engines and instead of creating new content, they manipulate existing ones.

Joselit shifts the focus from creation and conception to the impact the images have when they begin to circulate in heterogeneous networks. He argues that images have great power due to their ability to repeat, restore, and propagate, and explores from this point of view the works of Matthew Barny, Ai Weiwei and Sherrie Levine.

Our first task in assessing what kind of currency might be, or become is to understand the dynamics of its circulation since by definition currencies are constituted through exchange.

– David Joselit
