Ex: From, Out, Without.
Mediation for People with Experience of Expatriation.
Open Call

GES-2 Mediation Department invites people who identify as expats to participate in a programme to explore their personal perception of absence and their longing for something important.

From 25 June to 13 August, at a series of mediated events for expats living in Moscow, we will talk about the difference in perception of art due to differences in languages and cultures of upbringing. We will also reflect on the phenomenon of expatriation itself. How does one retain one’s old self in a new place? Does he/she succumb to the pressures of the environment or, on the contrary, does he/she become more aware of his/her otherness? Is there such a thing as «expat culture» around which people who miss something unite? Finally, can GES-2 become a House of Culture for everyone?

Participants will be able to share their personal stories of dealing with expatriation with each other, find commonalities in their disparate experiences and emotions, understand how feelings of emptiness and loss can unite people, and try to express their impressions collectively. To achieve this, we will create a zine booklet for other expat visitors of GES-2.

In the course of the project, participants will visit A Brief History of Absence exhibition and various events of the GES-2 public programme, meet V–A–C Foundation staff and independent experts in community outreach.


Application submission: 30 May—16 Jun 2023

Processing of applications: 17 Jun 2023

Publication of the list of participants: 18 Jun 2023

Project implementation: 25 Jun—13 Aug 2023

Entry conditions

You are over 18 years old.

You have been living in Russia for more than 1 year.

You can attend the meetings at GES-2 on Sundays from 25 June until 13 August 2023.

How to participate

1. Fill in the Participant Questionnaire.

2. Send an email with the subject «Ex: From, Out, Without» to mediationcalls@v-a-c.org, giving your first and last name and contact phone number. Attach a scan or photo of the signed Participant Consent form in jpeg or pdf format.
